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Best 5 Trailside Snacks for Summer Hiking Trips
TIME: 02:35PM Friday August 24,2012
FROM:Yahoo Contributor Network   

Hiking during the summer months can sure work up a person's appetite. Personally, I want my trailside snacks to be nutritious, tasty and highly portable. In the summer, I also need snacks that are able to withstand the heat. Over the years, I have found a few trailside snacks that have all or at least some of those characteristics. Here's a quick rundown on five of my favorites:

Whole-Grain Bagel Chips

Whole-grain, baked bagel chips make excellent trailside snacks because they are nutritious, taste good and won't spoil in the heat. I like baking my own bagel chips because I can control what ingredients are used in their creation. If you are interested in whipping up a batch of bagel chips yourself, I'd suggest that you consider using celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse's recipe. It is posted on the Food Network's website.

Baked Sweet Potato Chips

Baked sweet potato chips also make wonderful trailside snacks because they are easy to make and don't need refrigeration. Furthermore, sweet potatoes are considered nutritious because they contain potassium and complex carbohydrates. In order to make the chips, slice up several sweet potatoes. Then coat the slices with vegetable oil and seasoning. Afterward, bake the chips in a 400-degree oven until they are crunchy.

Baked Plantain Chips

Baked plantain chips work well as a trailside snack too. They taste great, contain potassium and are able to withstand being in the summer heat. If you do decide to make them, it is best to soak the plantains in hot, salted water for about 10 minutes. It will help to make the plantains easier to peel. Once the plantains are peeled and sliced, toss them in olive oil. Continue by seasoning the slices and baking them in a 350-degree oven for 30 minutes.

Unsalted Nuts

Unsalted nuts also make superb trailside snacks. I have found that unsalted nuts are nutritious, highly portable and can tolerate the summer heat. Instead of taking just one type of unsalted nut with me, I like taking a mixture of walnuts, almonds and pistachios.

Sharp Cheddar Cheese Crispy Treats

Sharp cheddar cheese crispy treats make great trailside snacks as well. They may not be the healthiest snack going but they taste amazing and will store well in your backpack. They are made with sharp cheddar cheese, two kinds of flour, margarine and rice cereal. If you want to give cheddar cheese crispy treats a try, check out Linda Weeks' recipe.

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