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Rock Climbing Techniques

Rock climbing is one of the most loved and popular activities amongst the adventurous lots! Rock climbing, whether done outdoors or indoors is an extreme sport that is taken up by many for the thrills and the inclination to do something different. Basically, rock climbing is all about climbing steep rocky formations. This of course, is done with the help of safety equipment and gear. However, there are many people who do not prefer to use the same. Rock climbing requires you not only to be adventurous; one would require a strong mind with a great amount of physical strength. One needs to be aware about the kind of accidents that can possibly happen hence it is always better to be informed about various rock climbing techniques to avoid the same. The popularity of this sport is such that there are professionals to teach you methods about the various rock climbing techniques. Here, we shall check out some of the basics of rock climbing techniques.

Rock Climbing Techniques:

There are various techniques and methods involved in this sport. Here is a look at a few of them.

The mantel is a series of moves that are used to help one climb on to a ledge. This technique is used to make a person manage to push the body with the arms so that the one can climb up on the ledge.

Ropes are one of the main gears used for rock climbing. There are various techniques used for the rope as well. One can use the single, double or the twin rope systems. Each technique is used for various purposes. The single rope is used for a straight climb. The double rope technique on the other hand, is more flexible than the single rope. The twin rope technique is used for activities that are more complex and would require the use of this technique for added safety.

Rock climbing techniques would require one to use the arms and legs properly to be able to use the body strength to the maximum. There are various techniques that instruct one to use the hands and the legs in the maximum way. The heel hook is used to aid one in balance. The toe hook helps one to learn how to hook the toe on a rock, a technique that proves to be useful while climbing rugged terrain. Belaying is a technique used by rock climbers to ensure safety of a person in case he/she slips down while climbing. A belayer has the responsibility to control the friction of the rope and speed.

A crimp is a hand technique that is used to get a successful grip on the rock. This is a very natural way which requires the full contraction of the second joint in the fingers. Another type of a hand technique is known as the open hand grip where the first joint of the finger is used by keeping the hand open. This is also considered to be a safe option for the joints.

Many types of rock climbing techniques would always involve the idea of leading. This type of technique will need a leader and a follower. While descending, lowering is a method that is used in rock climbing. Here, the belayer is responsible to ensure the rest of the people are lowered safely during the descent.


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